
With Love
1 min readMar 26, 2021
Photo by Quinn Buffing on Unsplash

Inevitably his memory approaches

thick and heavy

a ghost that hugs my body and hangs around my neck

delightful chill grabs hold, I succumb

Gilded eyes drag from my soul

tangling between thoughts

seize the view, plunged into a world so foreign it is almost familiar

ghosts dance here

swirling through kaleidoscopes, reminisce

Your hands pressed into my back

Your face bright caught in an open mouthed laugh

The music spilling into fresh daylight

frigid fingers dig deep

pulling me through and through

across vacant valleys and endless mountains

He hangs like smoke

dulling my senses again

twisting time into an ache, the icy cold reaches into my bones

tearing away one by one

But you’re not real I scream in agony

I know your veiled figure, I recognize that voice

they find home in my mind

I release them

Your ghost lives here, inevitably

creating storms with no intention of resolve

my skeleton fingers grip tight

nothing between

I dance with your ghost

because I am scared

because I don’t want the pain to end



With Love

To Anonymous. From Anonymous. All the words you wish you could say, always with love